What is the Importance of Testosterone in Men?


Have you ever encountered the word male menopause? You might be thinking about the menopause that women have, but that is not the case, men who menopause simply means that their testosterone levels have really gone low. You should know that testosterone is the major hormone in male. When a man has reduced amounts of testosterone in his body, this can lead to some other health issues and complications such as diabetes and even high blood pressure to the point of getting obese.


For those who have no idea where testosterone is being produced, this comes from the testes. The decrease of testosterone in a male's body is actually normal especially when he starts to age, however whenever there are some conditions or illnesses regarding the testes, the testosterone levels would abnormally go down in a very fast speed.


If your testes is damaged through getting a severe infection or traumatic injury, even with chemotherapy and surgery or radiation, this can contribute to the impairment and malfunction of the production of your testosterone. There are parts in your brain specifically the pituitary gland and your hypothalamus that mediates the production of testosterone in the testes.


This is another that you should know, if you had a head trauma which resulted to the impairment of your hypothalamus or pituitary gland, you might also end up having abnormally low levels of testosterone. A man's testes would fail to produce testosterone especially if the brain's function is damaged and it cannot send any signals throughout the body.


If the production of testosterone is reduced or ceased, then men would also be experiencing the same manifestations that women undergo during their menopausal period. These symptoms and manifestations include having a very low sexual drive or what  others call as libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, fatigue and muscle weakness. Another thing that might be included as a health issue when a man has low testosterone is they might experience osteoporosis.


A man is recommended to have hormone replacement therapy if he has dramatically low levels of testosterone. A man's testosterone levels would still be reduced especially when he starts to age so the hormone replacement therapy isn't really that important. A man is at risk of prostate cancer if he already has low levels to almost none of testosterone, this would be the time to avail of the hormone replacement therapy. Once a doctor comes into a conclusion that you are in need of therapy at androgel lawsuit then you can opt to either receive oral medications, implants or patches and injections.


The most common symptom that your doctor would normally treat first with low levels of testosterone is your depression. Your doctor might prescribe you with anti-depressants. Please check out https://www.testosteronelawsuitcenter.com/ if you have questions.


All About Testosterone